Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Salmonella in Humans

When the salmonella bacteria is present in humans it is known as salmonellosis. The bacteria tend to stay in the digestive track of humans, and other animals they infect. Once the bacteria get in the digestive track they burrow in the lining there or go towards the lymph nodes. The bacteria sometimes will enter the bloodstream and cause many problems once it gets there. When they are present there they cause diarrhea, fever, cramps, swelling, and even death in extreme cases. Our bodies can fight off salmonellosis without the use of antibiotics as long as it stays in the digestive system. However, once the bacteria enters the bloodstream antibiotics are required to stop the bacteria. When it enters the bloodstream, salmonellosis can attack many other parts of the body and will kill if it isn’t treated soon after.

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